Monday, February 8, 2010

Prompt #1: Introductions

My name is Sandra Milena Ortega. I am majoring in history and minoring in education. I do not write as much as I probably should; however, I do enjoy reading books by Gabriel Garcia Marquez such as Cien AƱos de Soledad and Cronica de una Muerte Anunciada on my spare time. I truly believe that reading helps one communicate well with others. Why do I enjoy reading books in Spanish and why did I take this class? I am just fascinated with culture, accents, and the different identities that exist worldwide. I hope to gain knowledge of people's different characteristics, culture, traditions, and why they are the way that they are.

Besides reading, I have a passion for soccer. I would have loved to play professional soccer, but unfortunately I am not good enough to play pro. However, I did play all throughout high school and I was the captain of my team. Believe it or not, I also enjoy working. Yes, I do! I work for Diane & Geordi, a worldwide Colombian lingerie store. I enjoy everything about it, even having to fit customers into our waist-defining girdles. (They do work! I tried them myself!) Furthermore, I enjoy helping people gain confidence in themselves.

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